Tonic release notes
Release 52.2
Rollout date: March 7, 2025
We've revamped "Live Now" to improve the studio discovery experience, with enhanced filtering and personalization. After a studio, we're introducing new rewards in the treasure chest and new ways to earn bonus XP! Key updates to the Dashboard and Activity tabs to improve usability and view additional studio stats. This release tackles a slew of key bug fixes, particularly noteworthy is our major rehaul of notifications to address our backlog of complaints we've heard around not receiving notifications.
New features & updates
- π New: Studio discovery filters in Live Now tab
- π New: Groups module in Activity tab
- π New: Sequential item drops for the end of studio
- π New: Celebratory bonus break downs for the end of studio
- π New: Combine music and techniques into Library on dashboard and profile
- 𧬠New: Show dedicated filter for Invited Studios
- 𧬠New: Add Groups, Inventory and Shop rows into navigation side drawer on Home tab
- 𧬠New: Send conversion events for better personalization of search
- π¨ Tech: Remove Avatar Separation feature flag
- π¨ Tech: Deprecate Segment SDK with Appsflyer SDK
- π¨ Tech: Replace Segment SDK with Amplitude SDK
- π¨ Tech: Upgrade the SDK to the latest so we can utilize new features
- π¨ Tech: Audit debounce implementation for all Algolia
- π¨ Tech: Batch push notifications to prevent timeouts
- π¨ Tech: Update push enabled flag to false if notifications declined
Bug fixes & polish
- π’ Bug: Bug with fetching all listeners
- π’ Bug: Adding a song that is not already in your library sometimes fails
- π’ Bug: Delete work sheet not appearing after tapping on trash button
- π’ Bug: Blocking someone inside of your Studio backs you out and the listener stays inside
- π’ Bug: Group profile picture not changing
- π’ Bug: Cannot view all Challenge Highlights on Android
- π’ Bug: Tapping on "View profile" after blocking someone doesn't do anything
- π’ Bug: Fix notifications not sending, deprecating Braze
- π’ Bug: Listener getting kicked out randomly (when on audience tab)
- π Bug: User is not getting notifications of people going live anymore
- π Bug: User is not able to receive notifications of any kind on Tonic
- π Bug: Challenge Highlight did not send push notification
- π Bug: Some android devices not getting push notifications
- π Bug: Foul messages aren't censored in Studios
- π Bug: Push notification to follower should deeplink to profile, but does not (iOS)
- π Bug: Survey and fix deeplinks for the push notifications
- π Bug: Flute player renders a piano in studio
- π Bug: Audience sheet shows that no one is here for a while
- π Bug: After tapping on a profile in a studio, their preview information changes to mine
- π Bug: System messages for bouquets disappear if you expand chat or swipe away
- π Bug: "Favorites" filter still active after leaving audio clip work screen and coming back
- π Bug: "Notes" appears twice once you begin to type a note on a Studio
- π Bug: Not receiving Ray Chen Studio notification
- π Bug: Sorting in the work screen is not saving in the pill
- π Bug: Ray's public studio does not appear in "Live Now"
- β¨ Polish: Performance pass tile in store is stretched
- β¨ Polish: Search function shows "No results" for a few moments but then works
- β¨ Polish: "No Groups joined" comm showing even when user is in a Group
- β¨ Polish: Performance button feels jumpy
- β¨ Polish: Halo for performances should remain
- β¨ Polish: Performance pass asset in store is blurry
- β¨ Polish: Studio in focus mode shows the βis focused" on the opposite side of screen
Release 51.1
Rollout date: February 19, 2025
We're introducing Performances in this release! Curate your performance with a headline, program, and invite your followers during set up. Use a Performance Pass to start playing on a special and very shiny stage. We've also evolved the in-studio experience for players and audience, with a greater focus on the songs and audience. Performances are featured at the top of Live Now for higher visibility, and sets the stage for next up efforts around improving studio discovery for listeners.
New features & updates
- π New: Create a performance studio
- π New: Invite followers or invite all to a performance during set up
- π New: Use a performance pass to begin performance
- π New: Special animated 3D stage for performances
- π New: Revised In-Studio experience for players
- π New: Revised In-Studio experience for audience
- π New: Updated UI for practice studio creation
- π New: Visual treatment of performances in studio log
- π New: Add βperformancesβ section to Live Now
- π New: Visual treatment on Live Now to differentiate performances
- π New: Navigate to a song via playlist in studio
- 𧬠Update: New notifications for performances
- 𧬠Update: Remove the challenge card
- 𧬠Update: Change the order of tabs in Discover, showing βPeopleβ first
- 𧬠Update: Remove the vertical swipe view for scrolling through studios live now
- π’ Bug: Activity chat log shows the correct piece, but the playlist shows something different
- π’ Bug: App becomes frozen after viewing a user's profile in a Studio through the Audience sheet
- π’ Bug: Screen freeze if you had playlist opened and went to coffee break screen
- π’ Bug: Audience preview number not accurate with the people currently listening
- π’ Bug: Piece is not switching for the listener in the program/playlist
Bug fixes & polish
- π Bug: When selecting a new work, the activity log duplicates it
- π Bug: Not able to see audience as a listener when someone is in focus mode
- π Bug: Tapping on "Live" in a group causes the app to crash
- π Bug: Requesting for custom work is appearing at the bottom of the playlist sheet in Studio
- π Bug: Can't add more than a few pieces to your playlist from the Studio creation screen
- π Bug: Not able to see everyone in my Studio in the Audience sheet
- π Bug: If user owns an item, but doesnt have enough tokens, show the owned state in shop
- π Bug: Bouquets in the audience sheet should update live
- β¨ Polish: Items you already own in the shop UI, center align text
- β¨ Polish: Studio detail view visual polish, differentiate performances
- β¨ Polish: Stage pass asset has dark background
- π¨ Tech: Revised discovery for getStudiosLive
- π¨ Tech: Improve handling for hiding a private message
- π¨ Tech: Save latest device info on Firestore users
- π¨ Tech: Create a method to show the "looking for challenge" alert during onboarding
Release 50.1
Rollout date: February 6, 2025
We're incredibly excited for this release which includes major upgrades to our Works. You can now create your own custom song or technique to add to your library. And we've generated an assortment of trivia for each song and technique, which provides a fun way to learn about what's being played!
New features & updates
- π New: Show descriptions in songs
- π New: Report a description
- π New: Initial open studio via song
- π New: View for custom song, indication in list
- π New: Add a custom song on client
- π New: Buy a stage pass (unannounced)
- 𧬠Update: Remove toggle for challenge opt in
- π¨ Tech: Update postStudioAction to have an option for performance type in the create action
- π¨ Tech: Remove feature flags (year summary, listener lifecycle, studio xp boost)
- π¨ Tech: Populate pieces and techniques w descriptions
Bug fixes & polish
- π’ Bug: Fix listener XP not being given if player ends studio
- π’ Bug: Merge duplicate piece / techniques (migrate)
- π Bug: User is able to follow an account of someone who has blocked them
- π Bug: Bouquets in the audience sheet should update live
- π Bug: Hide colors for custom shirts
- π Bug: Group title can run under the Group Info βΉοΈ button
- π Bug: Tapping on three dots and then "View profile" doesn't lead to profile and I cannot swipe the sheet down
- π Bug: "Looking for Challenge?" appearing in onboarding
- β¨ Polish: Activity chat log displays onboarding messages rather than Tonic sending it to you
Release 49.4
Rollout date: January 28, 2025
New features & updates
- π New: Add new prize screens for Challenge winners
- π New: Claim reward endpoint for prize drops
- π New: Add snake outfits to the shop
- 𧬠Update: Remove holiday outfits from the shop
- 𧬠Update: Decrease threshold for ratings requests
- π Track: Cloud metrics tweaks to studios
Bug fixes & polish
- π Bug: My works appear in another person's profile
- π Bug: Total minutes not showing up in my list of songs
- π Bug: Cannot use the space bar when searching up a song before or in a Studio
- π Bug: Audience sheet is not showing previous listeners, but only those who are currently listening
- π Bug: βYour studio is boostedβ system message is incorrectly showing up for listeners
- π Bug: Not all the songs are showing up when searching for song
Release 49.1
Rollout date: January 20, 2025
The Streak Widget is here! Proudly showcase your streak and instrument on your home screen. This release also brings us the chat activity log to see who is joining your studio, playback of clips during the studio, and a few other high priority bugs. Itβs very exciting for us to have our chat system upgraded, which sets us up for more possibilities in interactions in the future.
New features & updates
- π New: Streak Widget!
- π New: Activity log in the chat to show who just joined your studio
- π New: Playback audio clip during studio
- π New: Add outfit support for 2025 New Year Challenge to animation-studio
- π New: Update challenge rules, onboarding image
- π New: Playback audio clip during studio
- 𧬠Update: Show number of flowers given in audience sheet during studio
- 𧬠Update: Make it possible to get other items in the chest
- π¨ Tech: Upgrade and refactor pubnub, chat system
- π¨ Tech: Add new song players endpoint (revision to song leaderboard)
- π¨ Tech: Add listening events to growth funnel tracking
- π¨ Tech: Refactor user song lists with react-query, cache fixes
Bug fixes & polish
- π’ Bug: Studios are appearing as βJust jammingβ for the listener when the practicer has a different piece selected
- π Bug: Cannot leave a Studio once the practicer takes a break
- π Bug: User profile shelf pops behind people shelf in Studio
- π Bug: White screen appears once tapping on Studio details in the list or calendar
- π Bug: Challenge back arrow for Android is too high and untappable
- π Bug: Studios in the past are not always showing the Audience
- β¨ Polish: Polish the studio header
- β¨ Polish: After using XP potion, hide the sheet automatically
Release 48.6
Rollout date: January 10, 2025
This release introduces new XP boost features. Toss a bouquet into someone's studio to give their studio a surprise boost! Or use a potion to boost your own studio. Try out these new items now in the Tonic Shop!
New features & updates
- π New: Make
XP potions
s available in the store - π New: Allow using
XP potions
s in studio - π New: Show which audience members gave
s post-studio - 𧬠Update: Show "Pro"-level studios when filtering Live Studios by level
- 𧬠Update: Add text labels to the home navigation tabs
- π¨ Tech: Developer Mode-only controls to copy user ID/studio IDs
- π¨ Tech: Refactored user song lists to use react-query, cleaned up
to be more typesafe
Bug fixes & polish
- β¨ Polish: Disable Avatar color picker for Tops/Bottoms when full outfit is selected
- β¨ Polish: Change order of Avatar Customization's Outfit tabs so "Full outfits" are first
Release 47.5
Rollout date: December 23, 2024
This release includes the studio lifecycle rework pertaining to listeners, not only making the listener XP earning and logging more robust, but also ensuring players have an accurate view and control over their listeners in real-time. Also included is the Year In Review screens and Holiday flair!
New features & updates
- π New: End of year review on dashboard
- π New: End of year screen with stats and avatar
- π New: Calculate end of year brackets for all players
- π New: Make end of year stats sharable
- π New: Add a sheet announcing holiday outfits
- π New: Add seasonal t-shirt and pants to the Shop
- 𧬠Update: Authenticate if user is able to join a studio, boot out if not
- 𧬠Update: Error handling for listeners if unable to connect
- 𧬠Update: If user owns an item, but doesnt have enough tokens, show the owned state in shop
- 𧬠Update: Studio ended by break should still reward user with tokens
- π¨ Tech: App is calling http-getRecordings endpoint with a cursor = null
- π¨ Tech: Studio listener pings revised
- π¨ Tech: Add Algolia token
- π Track: Cloud tracking events fix reliability
Bug fixes & polish
- π Bug: The Santorini dress model is not appearing properly with either a ukulele or guitar
- π Bug: Break button almost entirely off the screen
- π Bug: Add timeout for studio loading screen
- π Bug: Listening list not tracking people anymore
- π Bug: Ingest listenerCount from postStudio
- π Bug: Studio listener XP earned accuracy
- π Bug: Can't purchase Streak Freeze if purchased before
- π Bug:Playlist song defaults to Just Jamming after taking a break
- π Bug: Song switcher does not handle edge cases
- π Bug: "That was fast" screen appears after taking a 5m break for a Studio that was longer than 5m
- π Bug: Black screen after closing private Studio on iOS
- π Bug: People tab is causing the app to crash
- π Bug: Received 0.5 XP for listening to someone for 2 minutes
- β¨ Polish: Remove question mark from featured
Release 46.6
Rollout date: December 16, 2024
A very exciting release which includes Avatar clothing splits β tops, bottoms, and shoes β for which you can now select new colors. Showcase your flair with a host of new customization options! This release includes tweaks to studio experience, a bit of tech upgrades as well as fixes to our tracking accuracy.
- π New: Split outfits to tops, bottoms, shoes
- π New: Support sorting items in the Shop
- π New: Add orbiting to avatar customization
- 𧬠Update: Remove fake inventory items
- 𧬠Update: Updates to Focus mode in Studio: improved button design; system message text to help user navigate Studio
- 𧬠Update: Send toast upon inviting user to studio
- 𧬠Update: Revise close studio / take break sheet; add close studio button back
- 𧬠Update: Send toast upon inviting user to studio
- π¨ Tech: Upgraded React Query, added persistence to cache
- π¨ Tech: Make Developer Mode user-controlled + create API
- π’ Bug: Break animation still appearing for the listener when the practicer ended their break
- π’ Bug: Studio closed automatically (fixed some cases)
- π’ Bug: Time given in the summary for a Studio and Studio log is incorrect
- π Bug: Remove confusing π« indicator on tops, bottoms, shoes
- π Bug: Studio closing, add retries
- β¨ Polish: Make outfit category tabs full screen width
- β¨ Polish: Update βstyleβ CTA in Studio set up screen to βcustomizeβ
- β¨ Polish: Fix streak freeze copy in inventory
- β¨ Polish: Outfit purchase success screen polish: change CTA; make outfit image larger
- β¨ Polish: Studio flashes white when returning from break
- π§Ή Cleanup: Clean up client code for studio lifecycle
Release 45.8
Rollout date: December 11, 2024
This release introduces our first iteration of Studio Lifecycle, which revamps our entire studio state system. It fixes existing discrepancies between live studios and their ending stats, ensures synchronization for players with our servers, and makes time tracking accurate. The key benefit here is that this will fix the problems users have been facing around studios closing prematurely and perceived studio time or XP calculation errors. It includes a robust alerting system as well, so the user knows if there is an audio or connection issue that may lead to their studio closing. These core changes will not only stabilize the core functionality of Tonic, provide a smoother player and reliable listener experience, and also sets us up for introducing studio rewards that will be meaningful.
In addition, this release also includes updates to recording management, and a battery of bugs. This update clears the almost ALL of our backlogged bugs!
New features & updates
- π New: Show suggested passages for a song on passage sheet during studio
- π New: Send notification to the app when disconnected while studio is live and app is backgrounded
- π New: When no audio audio detected for a minute, warn player and update the studio to coffee break
- π New: Add warning when break is about to end
- π New: Close the studio if break timer ran out
- π New: Alert player if studio is closed due to 2hr limit reached, timer ran out, or connection issue
- π New: Alert player if not connected to audio stream
- π New: Warn player if there is a connection issue
- 𧬠Update: Implement unavailable item detail sheet
- 𧬠Update: Change studio coffee breaks to 5 minutes
- 𧬠Update: Revised create a passage experience
- 𧬠Update: Add back chat hearting in studio, but remove from the main screen
- 𧬠Update: Limit the results on the main page to studios with active players
- π¨ Tech: New ping endpoint to the clouds with states
- π¨ Tech: Implement new studio states and integrate with new βstudio statesβ endpoint
- π¨ Tech: Unified mutations/queries around connection state
- π¨ Tech: Create webhook to consume real time events about stream
- π¨ Tech: Feature flag framework
- π¨ Tech: Create admin developer mode
- π Track: Add tracking for recordings
Bug fixes & polish
- π’ Bug: Private studio not getting bonus until 40min of play
- π’ Bug: Public Studio was still joinable after the practicer closed it
- π’ Bug: Fix time break calculations leading to miscalculated total time
- π’ Bug: Studio is closing after 6 to 7 minutes
- π’ Bug: Audio is not detected in Studio even though microphone is on
- π’ Bug: XP is awarded incorrectly for Studio
- π’ Bug: Studio closing randomly
- π’ Bug: Studio not logging correct practice time
- π’ Bug: XP is awarded incorrectly for playing studio
- π’ Bug: Studio logged inaccurate practice time
- π’ Bug: Studio logged an incorrect amount of time
- π’ Bug: Every Public Studio played over 1 hour is recorded as 6m
- π’ Bug: Sometimes breaks are not ending
- π Bug: Practicer is not appearing in friends list after going live
- π Bug: Did not receive a token despite completing a Studio
- π Bug: User XP in leagues is rendering with too many decimal places
- π Bug: Remove urbanite from locked items
- π Bug: Studio return sheet should accurately reflect the time
- π Bug: When a user is in break mode and the chat is pulled up for the listener, you cannot close the chat window
- π Bug: On reply to a message in group, Android keyboard avoiding is hiding the input
- π Bug: Challenge reply keyboard is blocking the input
- π Bug: Coffee break progress meter is not in sync
- π Bug: Private Studio timer is not increasing
- π Bug: Remove βlooking for the challengeβ alert at onboarding
- π Bug: Not able to see chat messages when app is backgrounded
- π Bug: Cannot delete a question on Android
- π Bug: Incorrect copy for reaching Emerald League
- π Bug: Not receiving notifications 100% of the time from people who I have notifications on for
- π Bug: Search function shows βNo resultsβ for a few moments but then works
- π Bug: The reply count on the original message is not updating after a reply is posted
- π Bug: 2 hour Studioβs arenβt closing for the listener
- π Bug: Live chat not entirely visible for newcomers in Studio
- π Bug: Tapping on next after selecting an instrument and then going back grays out the βNextβ button
- π Bug: Sometimes song doesnβt update for audience
- π Bug: Trending songs not showing up for FTE
- π Bug: Group creator cannot add new members or edit their Group
- π Bug: Music lover badge not appearing on dashboard after going through βView Achievementsβ and then backing out
- π Bug: Ray Chen Studio notifications are not being pushed out
- π Bug: Item is not earnable after completing Studio and having sufficient XP
- π Bug: User is unable to leave a Group
- π Bug: Studio does not end if user is on break and server ended the studio
- π Bug: Sometimes audience sees player on break, but playerβs not on break
- π Bug: Tapping on the Audience button after completing a Studio leads to the next screen
- β¨ Polish: Remove βbuilding studioβ¦β text covering the studio avatar room
- β¨ Polish: First listening badge, should be light not dark sheet
- β¨ Polish: Coffee break background color glitch
- β¨ Polish: Format token amounts in the thousands
- β¨ Polish: Fix Sydney outfit copy
- β¨ Polish: Fix shop item copy for Outfit Walkman
Release 44.6
Rollout date: November 27, 2024
In this update, we are introducing our brand new Tonic Shop! Every time you practice, you are now earning tokens that you can spend in the shop to purchase new outfits for your avatar and other practice power-ups like Streak Freezes. Keep practicing so you can buy everything you want! You can access the shop by navigating to your Inventory (from the Home screen, tap your profile picture).To help you practice and earn those tokens, this update also includes some quality of life improvements for the new Audio Clips feature and bug fixes in studios and elsewhere throughout the app.
New features & updates
- π New: Earn tokens upon studio completion that can be spent at the Shop
- π New: Add Shop where you can buy streak savers and outfits
- π New: Add a passage to recording during studio
- π New: Manage clips at end of studio
- π New: Add headphones into animation models
- 𧬠Update: Passage name only shows up in all lowercase, despite any formatting by user
- 𧬠Update: Remove the Theme row from Studio/Room Builder screen, in preparation for the Shop.
- π¨ Tech: Convert string values for studio avatar
Bug fixes & polish
- π Bug: Ranking off by one for Leagues
- π Bug: Chat cursor lags when typing in a passage name
- π Bug: On studio complete stats, avatar icon in audience not showing if empty
- π Bug: Nav bar title for Music page turns into "Works" in nav bar after scrolling up
- π Bug: Can add the same piece multiple times into your playlist
- π Bug: "Close to the bonus" message is appearing upon closing a Studio despite being passed the bonus
- π Bug: On reply to a message in group, Android keyboard avoiding is hiding the input
- π Bug: Fix the XP progress bar in items when you already earned it
- π Bug: Every XP level up is for the same purple plant
- π Bug: Item is not earnable after completing Studio and having sufficient XP
- π Bug: Changes do not save to audio clips in Studio summary
- π’ Bug: End a studio when it is ended
- β¨ Polish: iPad Studio room and avatar are appearing off from center of screen
- β¨ Polish: Cosmetic issue with the Jasmine Choi hairstyle
Release 43.14
Rollout date: November 22, 2024
We're introducing the new Audio Clips feature and upgrading the entire Studio player experience in this release. Record clips to keep track of progress on specific pieces and techniques over time. Organize your clips at the end of your studio by adding passages. The new Studio experience not only gets a huge glow up, but also gives players more control and sets the stage for exciting new features in the pipeline. This release includes a host of high priority bug fixes as well.
New features & updates
- π New: Record a clip in your studio
- π New: Associate your current piece to each recording
- π New: Max 90s recording
- π New: View all recordings during the studio
- π New: View recent clips on dashboard
- π New: View all clips organized by piece or technique
- π New: View clips that are not titled yet
- π New: Add a title to a clip, or edit existing title
- π New: Add piece to your works when added to clip
- π New: For any piece, filter clips by favorites or passage
- π New: Mark a clip as a favorite
- π New: Create a passage tag to associate with the clip
- π New: Show your existing library of passages to add or filter your clips
- π New: Play the audio clip
- π New: Add a text note to the clip
- π New: Delete the clip
- 𧬠Update: New Studio player experience UI
- 𧬠Update: Remove the feedback module in studio
- 𧬠Update: Consolidate player controls into Playlist Tab and Audience Tab
- 𧬠Update: Improve UX of the player's chat sheet
- 𧬠Update: Move toggle to go public into Audience Tab
- 𧬠Update: Collapse song search into the Playlist Tab
- 𧬠Update: Collapse invite friend search into the Audience Tab
- 𧬠Update: Remove "invite all" button
- 𧬠Update: Remove indicator of person who last joined your studio
- 𧬠Update: Move end studio into the timer sheet
- 𧬠Update: Coffee break only possible after 5min of practice, move into timer sheet
- 𧬠Update: Move focus mode into the chat sheet
- 𧬠Update: Move groups higher up on the dashboard
- 𧬠Update: In the explore tab, move the βPeopleβ section to the left
- 𧬠Update: Update FAQ
- π¨ Infra: Add streak expiry date to getting play stats
Bug fixes & polish
- π Bug: White screen upon tapping userβs profile in Group preview
- π Bug: App is crashing after tapping on XP level button
- π Bug: βRemove photoβ is not removing photo from userβs profile
- π Bug: βBlockedβ button not appearing for someone who is blocked
- π Bug: βXP to Level Xβ is incorrect copy
- π Bug: Fix red borders on swiping to delete a song
- π Bug: Weird left border near avatar on iPad Home tab
- π Bug: Donβt auto-capitalize email addresses from keyboard
- π Bug: Bad description βundefined addedβ in user profile
- βοΈ Polish: Studio onboarding messages copy
Release 42.2
Rollout date: November 8, 2024
We welcome SEVEN new instruments in this update! This release brings key under the hood technical improvements, design updates to music and techniques, and important bug fixes.
New features & updates
- π New: Clara shirt outfit available and added to inventory of all participants
- π New: Launch SONY Practice challenge
- π New: Release french horn, mandolin, recorder, DJ, trombone, piccolo, bassoon
- π New: Edit and save newly selected instrument and view it in studio, dashboard, foyer
- π New: Show new instruments in the selection list during onboarding and editing instrument
- π New: Push notifications and deeplinking for work notifications (question, post, work)
- 𧬠Update: Ensure instrument tags are mapping properly (instrumentPlayerMap)
- 𧬠Update: Collapsable header and design polish on works screens (music, techniques)
- πΎ Tech: Render new instruments given URL with instrumentβs ID
- πΎ Tech: Migrate native app to animation-studioβs prod environment
- π¨ Infra: Upgrade to expo 51
- π¨ Infra: Upgrade agora 4.4.0
- π Speed: Smooth our retry routine
- π Speed: Improve work content caching
Bug fixes & polish
- π Bug: Save button not working for βEdit Groupβ info
- π Bug: The visitors number shows β5.10kβ instead of 6k
- π Bug: Fix notification deep links (for studio, groups, profiles)
Release 41.4
Rollout date: October 4, 2024
Features & updates
- π New: Animated side drawer for settings
- π New: Revised navigation for settings and inventory
- 𧬠Update: TonicCon add zipper hall earning at end of studio
- 𧬠Update: TonicCon challenge rules and updates, earned shirt
Bug fixes & polish
- π Bug: Inventory goes from 2 streak freezes to 0 if you use 1
Release 41.0
Rollout date: September 11, 2024
Features & updates
- π New: Tab bar new play button
- π New: Add timestamps for studio message
- π New: Add nomination form for featured users
- 𧬠Update: Add league to the featured users in search
- 𧬠Update: Show date joined on profile
Bug fixes & polish
- π Bug: Group count is inaccurate
- π Bug: Challenge reply keyboard is blocking the input
- π Bug: Challenge highlight replies are not loading all replies
Release 40.3
Rollout date: August 29, 2024
Minor release with zen mode asset changes, completing this round of League updates.
Features & updates
- 𧬠Update: Zen mode lotus icon
- 𧬠Update: Zen mode copy updates
Release 40.2
Rollout date: August 27, 2024
Minor release which addresses bugs relating to the Challenge.
Features & updates
- 𧬠Update: Update Challenge for Rosin (guidelines, copy, assets)
Bug fixes & polish
- π’ Bug: Listening XP not counting to Challenge
- π Bug: Revise challenge members to use new API (improve accuracy)
- π Bug: Sending reply in challenge highlight not working
Release 40.1
Rollout date: August 22, 2024
Minor release with usability tweaks to the forum screens, improved CTAs, and some polish.
Features & updates
- 𧬠Update: View all posts from the music/technique screen
- 𧬠Update: Add CTA to "add to my music" at end of question list
- 𧬠Update: Add "Ask the community" CTA on main screen
- 𧬠Update: Revisions to creating a prompt (remove tags, change copy)
Bug fixes & polish
- π Bug: For responses, the question text is overflowing screen
Release 40.0
Rollout date: August 17, 2024
Major change in this release is separating works into two different categories: music and techniques.
Features & updates
- π New: Separate music and techniques in user profile
- π New: Separate music and technique modules in my dashboard
- π New: Separate screen to view music from dashboared
- π New: Separate screen to view techniques from dashboard
- π New: Separate music and techniques in search (when adding to studio)
- π New: Separate music and techniques in explore with separate filtering
Release 39.7
Rollout date: July 27, 2024
A HUGE update introducing community content creation for works. Users may now ask questions, respond to questions, and create educational content for individual works. Our goal is to create a lasting knowledge-base for learning, built by the community. We hope that users will find the growing collection of knowledge to not only aid in their learning via different perspectives, but also serve as a springboard for connecting and new friendships. This first version is very much an MVP and weβll be iterating in the coming weeks in tandem with feedback.
Other major updates include the explore feature which improves ability to find new groups, featured profiles, and works, a rehaul of the dashboard to clean it up and put works front and center, and moving the groups tab into your dashboard. A slew of other updates to caching, performance, and some long awaited bug fixes.
Features & updates
- π New: Work screen with community content (view posts, questions, leaderboard)
- π New: Create flow for adding a post (add multiple images, reference techniques, add tags, instrument)
- π New: View a post (and view comments)
- π New: Add upvote and downvote to posts
- π New: Add a comment to a post
- π New: Reminder note to be kind when commenting on a post
- π New: For posts, handle reporting, deleting, and blocked user cases
- π New: View a question
- π New: View posts associated with a question
- π New: Create flow for adding a question (add tags, instrument)
- π New: On work screen empty state, prompt user to add if not added yet
- π New: Show recent activity of users who played the work
- π New: Notify if a question you follow receives an answer
- π New: Explore groups (show featured, popular, recent, search)
- π New: Explore profiles (by instrument, featured, studios visited, search, and find friends)
- π New: Explore works (filter by popular, recent, featured, search)
- π New: Add background image to songs
- π New: Restructure dashboard to show goal and stats at top
- π New: Change instrument via weekly stats screen
- 𧬠Update: Add practice time into weekly practice screen
- 𧬠Update: Make the live now section light mode
- 𧬠Update: Restructure dashboard to navigate to my groups, remove group tab
- 𧬠Update: Notion URL for new guidelines
- 𧬠Update: Main tab icons (home and bell) and remove labels
- 𧬠Update: Revised groups screen with pinned favorites sorted at top
- 𧬠Update: Remove groups module from public profiles
- π¨ Infra: Tracking for works
- π¨ Infra: Works posts, questions, comments architecture
- π¨ Infra: Fetching lists of posts, question, comment
- π¨ Infra: Create post, question, comment
- π¨ Infra: Helpfulness scores
- π Speed: Improve performance for get live studios
- π Speed: Better tab bar handling for refreshing studios
Bugs & polish
- π’ Bug: XP not awarded for Studio
- π’ Bug: Studio shows "Connect with friends first" sheet for users that have friends already
- π’ Bug: User cannot sent Studio invites from their own Studio or someone else's
- π’ Bug: No ability to block user from the Group without going through member list
- π Bug: Works list can only be loaded one time per app restart
- π Bug: Cannot use playlist feature in Studio
- π Bug: Infinite loading stars for pieces and techniques
- π Bug: Cannot find unblocked user in Live now
- π Bug: Deleted message is still appearing as the Group preview message
- π Bug: Don't give streak freeze if studio ended while away
- β¨ Polish: New UI for groups in explore tab
- β¨ Polish: New UI for works in explore tab
- β¨ Polish: Groups screen UI polish for usability
- β¨ Polish: Toast notification position is too low
- β¨ Polish: Copy updates on the report screen
Release 38.4
Rollout date: July 10, 2024
A very exciting release with features including Streak Freezes, Zen Mode, Inventory, and Contact list pairing. Also a huge fix to various reports of studios closing after 5 minutes. Streak freezing allows a user to save their streak if they missed a day in the past. When you play a studio, thereβs a chance you may find a streak freeze. Zen Mode allows you to opt out of Leagues, pausing your ranking until you opt back in. Contact list pairing allows you to find friends to follow on Tonic.
Some people have reported studios with incorrect time logged. Digging into this issue, itβs attributed to users backgrounding their app when practicing. We now are able to support this behavior and log studio time correctly. Past studios that suffered from this problem will be patched up in the coming days.
New features & updates
- π New: View your inventory (streak freeze and other items)
- π New: Earn a streak freeze, view reward screen during end of studio flow
- π New: Use a streak freeze on a calendar date
- π New: Show streak frozen days in the calendar
- π New: Show current streak and all-time max streak on profile
- π New: Enable Zen Mode to opt out of Leagues
- π New: Show Zen Mode on dashboard, profile, league screen
- π New: Show current league and all-time top league on profile
- π New: Add globe explore to groups screen to find groups and friends
- π New: Use your contact list to find friends to follow
- π New: Show app update sheet with inventory and streak freeze alert
- 𧬠Update: Prevent group invite if the user is blocked from the group, or if the user has blocked the inviter
- 𧬠Update: Add report option on studio day screen
- 𧬠Update: Inviter receives notification when invitee joins group (cloud)
- 𧬠Update: Increase variety of "member just joined" messages in the group
- 𧬠Update: Remove follow all button in suggested friends
Bug fixes & polish
- π’ Fix: XP is awarded incorrectly for playing studio
- π’ Fix: Studio is closing after 6 to 7 minutes
- π’ Fix: Liking a message is crashing the group
- π’ Fix: Sending an invitation to yourself in the group removes you as an admin and member
- π’ Fix: Leaderboard is stuck on 23 hrs and resets an hour early
- π’ Fix: Remove "fingering", βwangβ as censored word
- π Fix: Hoop earrings missing for avatar after earning it
- π Fix: Unable to add piece that was removed back into Works
- π Fix: Censor the last message that shows up in preview for a group
- π Fix: Edge case where group shows that everyone is an "Adminβ if there exists no admin
- π Fix: Edge case where chat messages are appearing duplicated in a Group
- π Fix: Edge case where forgot password flow creates a broken link for emails that aren't associated with accounts in Firebase
- β¨ Polish: "Start the trend" prompt is at the bottom of the "Experience" filter in "Live nowβ
- β¨ Polish: Remove Rise Zone on Diamond league leaderboard
- β¨ Polish: Group preview is shown shortly before seeing group messages
- β¨ Polish: Tapping on a blank Search bar and tapping on a user, group, or work sends user back to "My groups" screen
Release 37.4
Rollout date: July 4, 2024
This release introduces new features around blocking users, removing messages from blocked users and users youβve blocked, streak badges, an all-new studio visitors stat, and adding a group to favorites. Not to mention a major navigation change, removing the search tab in favor of a notifications tab.
We have various bugs fixed too in this release, including a few around bugs in blocking due to some users on older versions. We now have many layers of safeguards against this.
New features & updates
- π New: Streak badge on profile avatar
- π New: Show Streak Badge on profile info sheets in studio and groups
- π New: Show number of studio visitors on profile
- π New: Censor messages that violate guidelines
- π New: Blocked user's messages not shown in groups
- π New: Users who block you shown as inaccessible
- π New: Show blocking implications on blocked user sheet
- π New: Your messages in groups are not shown to a user you blocked
- π New: Favorite a group, unfavorite a group
- π New: Sort your groups by βAllβ, βFavoritesβ, and βAdminβ
- π New: Show a message in group when new member has joined
- π New: Show a message in group when name or description are changed
- π New: Inviter sees notification in-app when invitee joins group
- π New: Move Search to the Groups tab
- π New: Move notifications and group invitations to new Messages tab
- 𧬠Update: Move notification settings into the notifications tab
- 𧬠Update: Blocked user's messages are auto-removed from your studio
- 𧬠Update: Blocked user's messages are not added to the chat
- 𧬠Update: Remove deleted / banned users from search list
- 𧬠Update: Add studio message content to database
- 𧬠Update: Remove joined date from profile
- 𧬠Update: Change all instances of studios "joined" to studios "visitedβ
Bug fixes & polish
- π’ Fix: Blocked user should not see your groups, works, or badges
- π’ Fix: User is seeing a white screen on Admin Groups screen
- π’ Fix: Blocked user still able to enter Studio from Live now list
- π’ Fix: Force older versions to update
- π Fix: Prevent editing name to an empty string
- π Fix: Soho outfit image not showing up when earned
- π Fix: Notifications are not refreshing
- π Fix: Return to studio sheet should not be able to be dismissed
- π Fix: Not loading the full list of my works
- π Fix: Some works not showing up with adding
- π Fix: Ensure usernames to be alphanumeric
- π Fix: Report id for studio report incorrect
- π Fix: Migrate group names to have no emojis
- π Fix: Milestones badges are missing, number of badges incorrect
- π Fix: Featured "See all" list not showing accurate member count
Release 36.4
Rollout date: June 27, 2024
Major updates to the groups experience! Now you can explore studios in your group to see whoβs live right now. Other important features include filtering my groups by groups I admin, auto blocking users from a group, and displaying my streak on my profile. A few badge related fixes and other edge case fixes to help overall experience feel more smooth.
New features & updates
- π New: Studios live within a group
- π New: Show my streak on profile
- π New: Filter my groups list by all vs. admin (if admin groups exist)
- π New: Automatically add my blocked users when I create a group
- π New: Add first layer of email verification
- π New: If no friends yet, studio invite sheet shows link to invite non-Tonic users
- 𧬠Update: In the activity list, user's avatar should navigate to their profile
- 𧬠Update: Live now to show hours played since local midnight (instead of rolling 24 hours)
- 𧬠Update: Updated bug report link
- 𧬠Update: Move group invitations alert to nav bar in groups tab
Bug fixes & polish
- π’ Fix: Some milestone badges are not showing or have wrong image
- π’ Fix: Getting stuck on loading a group initially
- π’ Fix: Music lover badge is missing for some users
- π Fix: Crash on viewing a groupβs blocked users if no blocked users exist
- π Fix: Sometimes group chat will crash after awhile
- π Fix: Some users have incorrect badge count
- π Fix: Dashboard is not fetching the updated play stats in some cases
- π Fix: During studio, invite list user search is not rendering accurately
- π Fix: Group member count is not refreshing
- π Fix: Pulling down to refresh studios is not refreshing
- β¨ Polish: Copy update plural "blocked users"
- β¨ Polish: Toggle blocked icon to a different icon when viewing blocked list
- β¨ Polish: When only one user in activity list, margin is off
Release 35.0
Rollout date: June 25, 2024
This release adds in a robust layer of key security features as well as moderation tools for groups and admins of groups. We now ensure that blocked users are not only unable to join groups and studios they are blocked from, but also that if they are blocked during the studio or while in the group, they are immediately kicked out, permissions revoked, and unable to rejoin. Additionally, this release has privacy updates to give users more control, as well as verification checkmarks to prevent impersonation.
New features & updates
- π New: Add SecureStorage and device info for security
- π New: Kick user immediately out of a studio if the player blocks them
- π New: Admin can block a user from a group, immediately kicking them out
- π New: Add a link to streak appeal form
- π New: Group admins can view list of blocked users
- π New: Add verification checkmarks to users in the search tab
- π New: Ensure only group member can access chat
- 𧬠Update: Add timestamps to groups list, sort by time of last message
- 𧬠Update: Remove showing timezones for other user's studios
- 𧬠Update: For my studios, only show timezone note for anomaly studios (ie. during travel)
Bug fixes & polish
- π’ Fix: Blocked user is still able to enter a studio
- π’ Fix: Prevent user who is blocked from rejoining a public group
- π’ Fix: "Experience" filter does not show any studios
- π Fix: Highlights are not appearing in the Highlights section of the group settings
- π Fix: Refresh all live studios after you exit from a studio (as a listener)
- π Fix: Leaving a group is not refreshing the list of groups
- π Fix: Live studios experience section not showing users
- β¨ Polish: Remove activity reset time from group detail screen
Release 34.3
Rollout date: June 23, 2024
This patch is a quick fix to ensure users who are banned cannot create duplicate accounts. A permanently banned user is immediately logged out without ability to return.
New features & updates
- π New: If user is banned or deleted, immediately log them out
- π New: Save device to automatically delete the user if banned
- π New: Save the release build version for each user
- π’ Fix: Streaks fallback timezone is now set to user's default time zone
- π’ Fix: Some users not appearing in group members list
Release 34.0
Rollout date: June 21, 2024
Note: All streaks are accurate now to reflect your travels, timezones, and daylight savings time changes around the world. There may be edge cases for certain geographies or for short travel in the past. For those cases, we have an appeal process to fix streaks on a case-by-case basis found here.
New features & updates
- π New: Activity Leaderboards for public groups
- π New: Add Apple ID login for iOS
- π New: Add onboarding Tonic message in studio listen FTE
- π New: On profile sheets in studio, show follow button module
- π New: Release notes popup to all listing updates
- 𧬠Update: On the calendar day screen, tap to navigate to studio detail
- 𧬠Update: Order live studios by time created (oldest at the top)
- 𧬠Update: Add release notes link to the settings screen
- 𧬠Update: When joining via group link, welcome sheet should navigate to groups
- 𧬠Update: Add timezone to reporting a lost studio
- π€ Performance: Faster initial loading for fetching stats
Bug fixes & polish
- π’ Fix: Edge case broken streaks for users traveling across different timezones
- π’ Fix: Remove stale studios that were stuck
- π’ Fix: Group activity empty state shown only for admins
- π’ Fix: Some users stuck without name and username
- π’ Fix: After joining a private group, stuck on preview screen for a few seconds
- π’ Fix: When creating group, onboarding invite flow does not send invite
- π Fix: Live count is not accurate
- π Fix: Group member count is inconsistent with formatting
- π Fix: User profile picture not showing for recent group message
- π Fix: Long names are overflowing the screen in the group activity list
- π Fix: On practice time screen, empty state CTA is repeating
- π Fix: Ensure usernames are alphanumeric
- π Fix: Follow button glitches while loading on opening profile
- β¨ Polish: Make landing page animate faster
- β¨ Polish: Studio heart counter is the incorrect color
Release 33.0
Rollout date: June 18, 2024
This release gives Groups a rework and makes them easy to use, performant, and more lively with activity.
Another massive release with a slew of backlogged fixes that our community has been clamoring for us to fix for months. Key new features in this release include activity leaderboards for public groups sorted by time, seeing who invited you to a group, saving emoji reactions into the practice summary, another uptick in speed for loading groups and invitations, and significant improvements to the group invitation experience.
New features & updates
- π New: Toggle hiding and showing your activity stats in the Group
- π New: Group invite notification shows which user invited you
- π New: Sending a message reaction in studio saved to log, can view it afterwards
- π New: Show saved reactions in audience list
- π New: Show your current timezone in your account settings
- 𧬠Update: Show timezone abbreviations in other usersβ practice logs
- 𧬠Update: Add the last message for each group to my groups view
- 𧬠Update: When user achieves the goal, change the ring to gold colored
- 𧬠Update: Enhance metadata for user and groups invite links (add photo)
- 𧬠Update: Sort the group activity list by time practiced
- 𧬠Update: Reorder so advanced users to the top of studios live screen
- 𧬠Update: Add group invite icon to group detail screen
- π Speed: For loading groups, use getGroups for my groups, userβs groups, group invites
- π Speed: Make loading group invitations accurate and performant
Bug fixes & polish
- π’ Bug: Set timezones calculations for different userβs calendars, set all graphs to local timezones
- π’ Bug: Hours left for League is not accurate
- π’ Bug: Creating a group is stuck after creation, not showing members
- π’ Bug: Reply and liking recent group messages are not saving
- π’ Bug: Navigating to user profile from notifications is stuck on loading
- π’ Bug: Editing a groupβs name is not changing in my group list
- π’ Bug: Challenge admin are not showing up
- π’ Bug: Some users render the goal count bars incorrectly within the group activity board
- π Bug: Playlist doesnβt update if I search for a new work and select it
- π Bug: XP listened alert appearing multiple times
- π Bug: Hearts on a studio message jump to other messages when a new message is added
- π Bug: When backing out from old challenge, old challenge card appears
- π Bug: Cannot view all people practicing in the live now list view
- π Bug: Joining via a group invite is not decrementing the number of group invites
- π Bug: Joining a public group is not working sometimes
- π Bug: Joining a group in my invites does not remove it if Iβm already part of the group
- π Bug: After joining from invited, group list not updating
- π Bug: Group invitation persists even after joining the group, and hitting the join button
- π Bug: Group invitation not appearing if no data for the inviter
- π Bug: Leaving a group is not updating my groups list
- π Bug: After leaving a group, list is not auto reloading
- π Bug: Deleted groups are still accessible
- π Bug: Deleting a group is not removing the user group invitations
- π Bug: Tap targets of group activity leaderboard are too small, hard to tap
- π Bug: Group activity board not showing top 3 unless more than 6 total users
- π Bug: Weekly practice screen is showing duplicate βOpen a studioβ section
- π Bug: Sending an image in a group should show the senderβs name
- π Bug: Reply input is not avoiding keyboard (only iOS)
- β¨ Polish: In cloud and rectangle stages, the piano is off-center
- β¨ Polish: Jasmine hair earned screen image sizes are off
- β¨ Polish: Challenge filters cut off a little bit
- β¨ Polish: Following pill is cut off a bit
Release 32.0
Rollout date: June 12, 2024
The release weβve been awaiting for months is finally here! This build solves the problems regarding inaccurate streaks, inaccurate practice days in the log, and gives the overall app a massive loading speed bump because of new efficiency in these calculations. The only minor design changes in this update are that you can now see your friendsβ streaks and accurate practice logs (in that userβs timezone) if youβre in the same private group.
Weβve been hearing that the greatest grievance users have is streak loss and inaccurate practice day logging. Itβs demotivating when these stats are stale or off by a day. A lot of users lost their 100+ day streaks because they traveled to a new timezone or practiced at the junction of a daylight savings time shift.
On the technical side, there is no easy solution because of timezone accounting around the world (and even different regions having different daylight savings protocols).
New features & upgrades
- π New: Show another userβs stats calendar in their local timezone
- π New: Add timezones to user data, show timezone for other users in their stats
- π New: View another userβs streak (if in same private group)
- π Speed: Initial load time for dashboard significantly faster
- π Speed: Initial load time for studios significantly faster
- π Speed: Load time for ending a studio rewards flow is significantly faster
Core fixes
- π¨ Data Fix: User progress in groups is now accurate to timezones
- π¨ Data Fix: User dashboard stats for play and listen is now accurate to timezones
- π¨ Data Fix: User streaks are now accurate to timezones
- π¨ Data Fix: User practice time leaderboards within a group is now accurate
- π¨ Data Fix: User days practiced this week and goal completion is now accurate to timezones
Release 31.2
Rollout date: June 10, 2024
This minor release has a few critical hot fixes, as well as some UI polish, small bug fixes, and push notification deeplink fixes. It also collects the userβs timezone, setting us up for the next major release later this week that resolves issues with streaks.
New features & upgrades
- π New: Add in timezone collection
- π€ Performance: User getUsers challenge_members, rank members, checkmarks added everywhere
Bug fixes & polish
- π’ Fix: Older messages are missing user data
- π’ Fix: Group invite link fixed (auto join the group)
- π Fix: Jasmine hair not showing up
- π Fix: Remove weekCount in progress wheel for user group progress
- π Fix: Make Friends screen, following 1 user not working
- π Fix: Suggested friends not fetching users from getUsers
- π Fix: Remove requirement of purpose, description for private group
- π Fix: FTE highlight message stuck at bottom for group admins
- π Fix: Joining a private group from invited not working
- π Fix: Group highlight / reply push notification deeplink not working
- π Fix: Group invite push notification not deeplinking to invites page
- π Fix Push notification doesnβt deeplink to studio
- β¨ Polish: League empty state cactus image not showing up
- β¨ Polish: Theme color not showing up in avatar selection
- β¨ Polish: UI for bar graph
- β¨ Polish: Stack for user avatars
Release 31.0
Rollout date: June 8, 2024
This release significantly improves performance for the product in any area that loads lists of users or other user data. Importantly, weβre now able to render all of the user data (including username, avatar, checkmark) that is up-to-date and accurate.
New features & upgrades
- π New: User data within lists show checkmarks and usernames
- π New: Add deletion link into app settings
- π€ Performance: New API getUsers to cache user data, fast loading for user lists
Bug fixes & polish
- π’ Fix: Works leaderboards loading
- π Fix: User data within lists are always up to date
- π Fix: Deleted users removed within lists
- π Fix: Author data always up to date (notifications, highlights, messages, studios)
- π Fix: Group admins show at the top of group member list
- π Fix: Group memberβs week count sometimes not accurate
- β¨ Polish: UI for group goal progress wheel
Release 31.0
Rollout date: June 5, 2024
This release fixes a number of critical bugs, upgrades performance of app loading, and increases reliability of multiple key user actions. Also introduces new improvements on invitations, ratings campaign, and group explore experience. Lots of fixes users have been alerting us about for awhile now!
New features & upgrades
- π New: Improve group explore, add explore to group pages
- π New: Notification loop after an invited user joins
- π New: Updated invite UI at account creation
- π New: Any public group, anyone should be able to invite
- π New: Ratings campaign at studio close (if 14-day streak)
- π New: XP for invites
- π New: Request a custom work
- π New: All new users get a welcome notification
- π New: Show total invitations at bottom of dashboard, CTA
- π€ Performance: Graceful firebase error handling with retries
- π€ Performance: Reliability upgrades for follows, songs, group members add/delete
- π€ Performance: Faster loading for profiles
- π€ Performance: Improve search for users
Bug fixes & polish
- π’ Fix: Keyboard going overtop of message composer
- π’ Fix: Leagues not resetting at right time
- π’ Fix: Tonic crashes after tapping on a Studio notification that is no longer live
- π’ Fix: App is kicking me back to my profile after tapping on a friendβs profile
- π’ Fix: Bug in adding time in league diamond
- π’ Fix: Group may be missing a user, create user in group if missing from table
- π Fix: Mozart Challenge hair is not appearing and showing a different hairstyle instead
- π Fix: Alert notifications not muting for user
- π Fix: Works are not loading the full list correctly (stale)
- π Fix: βNextβ button hovers over list items when creating a group
- β¨ Polish: Confetti during onboarding not appearing after setting goal iOS
- β¨ Polish: Fix loading star sizes
- β¨ Polish: Group top nav is white, UI polish
- β¨ Polish: In-studio timer container size